students study abroad or there are many NRIs who want to come to India and vote but there is no certainty about the dates. Plus how many times will they fly down if all the work is done in one go. So it will be better, that is what we have learnt so far, historical possibility, simplified process, more governance and convenience to voters, all these are green flags. Whenever there is talk of One Nation One Election, then there is talk of economics, that is, experts explain how much money can be saved by this. But is this the whole truth? The economic impact of One Nation One Election is a yellow flag where we need to be cautious. The CMS report says that in 75 days for the 2019 general elections 60000 crores were spent. It is said that if simultaneous elections are held, India's GDP will increase by 1.5% and this is why One Nation One Election is also called a game changer, but it is a matter worth thinking that when will this increase happen? The money left over from the elections will be used for the right work. Tenders for road construction will be given to the right people and those who are getting the tenders will get the full amount for that work. There will be no bribery. Infrastructure will develop at double the speed. IITs, II, AIIMS will be opened, otherwise you will not know It will be said that the money saved in the election process is going into the pockets of some corrupt leader, so the country will benefit less from this and the corrupt leader will benefit more. Here we need to understand that government and party are two different things. Expenditure of the government It is incurred in conducting the election like setting up polling stations, installing EVMs, counting etc. All this is the expense of the government and from where does the money come for all this expense? It is from your tax payer's tax but apart from this expense, there is also the expenditure of the parties for campaigning. There is expenditure for taking out rallies, putting up flags, booking grounds, giving big spices, distributing biryani to people, etc. parties incur expenditure in all these things, so which expenditure is being worried more in One Nation One Election, the expenditure of the government Whether it comes from our taxpayers' money or the party expenses, nobody knows where it comes from is one thing, but reducing costs alone cannot be the sole objective. In 2015, a report was released on Simultaneous Elections. In which it was estimated that extra EVMs and ballot papers would also be needed and for this an additional Rs. 9,200 crore would be spent, i.e. here the ECI has admitted that there will be some additional cost for conducting the elections safely, maintaining quality EVMs, etc. Extreme level planning for such things seems like one mistake and the foundation of the entire democracy can be shaken. That is why we need to remember all these yellow flags where we did economic impact priority and proper planning. Let us now move towards the red flags. A big red flag is that power will get concentrated in the hands of the centre. Critics say that the system we have today works on the principle of division of powers, that is, municipal corporations have some power. Yes, the state has some power and the centre also has some power due to which no single person can become a dictator, a single party cannot do as it pleases and at the same time, the issues of a section of society are not ignored, for example, if you If you live in a village and a bus is not coming to your village or a road is not being built there, then for this you do not directly contact the PM, you have to raise the issue in your Gram Panchayat, but if the entire election is against the Centre If it starts happening on the strength of power, then there will be no incentive for these small people and small leaders to listen to you, your issue will be suppressed. That is why some people believe that One Nation One Election is an option to concentrate power in one hand. is the means by which ultimately Common man will suffer loss if national and state level elections are held together then you will not know where your local issues will get lost in the noise of campaigning, similarly small state level parties will not be able to campaign on such a large scale They will not have any problem and slowly small parties will remain in India only in name. Ok I really have to say this. I think some people are professional rowdies who like to cry for every little thing. This is the point. That because of One Nation One Election, all the power will be in the hands of only a few parties. This problem still exists today. In the last Lok Sabha elections, in the constituency where I went to vote, 21 candidates were standing and majority of them probably got votes. Two or three candidates might have been called but still 21 people stood up. The problem still remains that out of those 21 people, except A Top Tooth, any one could be a valid candidate but we don't know about them. This is the reality. before one Nation One Election also exists and this reality will probably exist even after One Nation One Election because we do not have a system that we can listen to all the political parties properly, we can listen to all the candidates properly like the Presidential debates in the US There is no such system in India through which we can evaluate different candidates, so on what basis will we judge them? The truth is that today we judge people on the basis of how much noise they make, that means the power. Power is already concentrated in the hands of people who can make the most of crying about a problem that already exists and making it into a problem for a proposed reform I feel all these professional Rodali should think a little more Even today you can see that There are so many candidates from your area, except for two-three top candidates, you may not have heard the names of other candidates. It is possible that the independent candidate is a good person. But just because they don't have the money to campaign, we don't consider them seriously. This may apply to Datchy as well and that's why critics think this is a big red flag. We say one nation one for one voter. There will be benefits from elections because the process will be simplified but is the voter ready for it? Is the voter aware? Do our voters even know the difference between assembly elections and general elections? Do we even know how many candidates are there in our elections? Do we do any research before voting or do we just vote after seeing which party is there or do we get
influenced by listening to a speech on some neutral YouTube channel? If elections are held simultaneously then the confusion will increase and a voter will lose his vote. will not know who to vote for now this is a very stupid argument I know because ideally every voter is 18 years old he should know basic civics but This is India, here people vote after seeing which party is serving biryani. Revdi politics is real. People vote after seeing who belongs to which caste, who belongs to which religion, so will these people vote for the right candidate? Such a party is differential This is a red flag. Civics is a very important subject in our education system but unfortunately it is Relegated to the dust bin both in education and in real life because at least when I was in school Civics was clubbed with History where History used to get 75 marks and Civics was 25 marks so most people used to keep Civics as an option only i.e. this All the things like what an MP does, what an MLA does, what are their roles and responsibilities, how should democracy i.e. our country function, executive What is the work of the legislature, judiciary, what are the fundamental rights and at the same time what are the fundamental duties, the knowledge of all these things was left as an option because it did not have the required importance and I want to tell you this, this year we made a video Released What does an MP and an MLA do because many people do not know that MP Member of Parliament is elected in the Central Government i.e. Central Parliament and MLA is elected in the Legislative Assembly i.e. elected at the state government level When it comes to garbage collection then what are their roles and responsibilities, they are different but still people feel that the responsibility of not picking up garbage at the local level should be of an MP where as that is completely wrong The responsibility lies with the Municipal Corporation. The problem is that comments came on that video that you have just talked about civics text book, yes, but if people know that If this is in your civics text book, then why don't people use it in real life debates. Let me give you an example to illustrate this. Every time after the Union Budget, there is a criticism that the central government is not increasing its spending on education and health. And on this basis people think that in my village, in my city, the hospital facilities are not intact, the condition of government schools in my village, in my city is very bad, but the truth will be told if you look at everything that you have studied in your civics text book. The responsibility of maintaining a hospital in your village or city lies with your state government, your municipal corporation, the responsibility of a government school lies with that municipal corporation or the state government, not the central government. The hospitals run by the central government are called AIIMS. The schools run by the government are called Kendriya Vidyalaya. They are not responsible for maintaining schools at your local level and this is not to be defended by the central government because this is the thing. It has been existing since the time of Jawaharlal Nehru ji, so the same thing was there in 1990 as well as in 2025 that an MP cannot improve the hospital in your local area, an MLA can improve the hospital in your local area, the difference is this You should know because only then can you hold the right person accountable. Another red flag is that we conduct Lok Sabha elections in phases because conducting simultaneous elections for a population of 1.4 billion is already a huge challenge. This time the elections will be held for 2 months, so if there is talk of One Nation One Election, then think how much time it will take, how many resources will be spent and how many cases can be there, so what are the red flags - concentration of power, neglecting local issues, lack of voter education And the big responsibility for the Election Commission is that maybe One Nation One Election will be implemented, maybe it won't happen but one thing we can definitely do for the next election is that we should hold the elections only during the winter season. There are many benefits of this, because of holding the elections in summer, many people suffer from heat wave related strokes, many people face problems, waiting in lines in summer is uncomfortable, this is the truth and there is also a very nice benefit which Our national capital Delhi will get it if elections are shifted to winter because if everyone gets busy on election duty, then probably fewer people will do stubble burning because at that time when elections are going on in your state, if stubble burning happens then it will harm your state. Respect may be lost, maybe at that time in the name of elections people will actually take some action on stubble burning and maybe then Delhi will be able to breathe clean air regardless of weather, one nation one election actually comes in to practice, I have to say I am ashe the madness of every single mp that is sitting in parliament today because the winter session is over and now they discuss about the prices in Instead of debating on thousands of such issues like India's economy, India's economic growth, India's tech challenge, India 's security, India's external affairs, India's trade relations, etc., we should focus on Parliamentarians wasted the entire winter session. It is a matter of shame that today our cities are completely broken. No one has control over pollution. People are not able to breathe. Inflation has risen. India has many economic languages. The countries around us are miles behind us. We have gone far ahead, our infrastructure is broken, our roads are the deadliest roads in the world, but neither the ruling party nor the opposition is interested in all these issues, they are only interested in making memes and pretending that they have a historical I know more about the person. How shameful it is. You all should be ashamed that taxpayers' money is being wasted on these useless things. And as a taxpayer and as a voter I demand accountability because your job is to not waste money on these useless things. This is not a waste of time. There are thousands of issues that deserve your attention and power. Use it for something. Stop wasting enough time for many nations because honestly I feel that the rule of One Nation, One Election may not come, but one rule must come If you waste the time of the parliament on useless things then you should not get your money because only then people will learn and only then parliamentarians will learn that only that which affects the common people is important and no other issue is important. In the end I want to say that if saving cost is the priority of the government in One Nation One Election then the government should ensure that no leader should campaign except during the time of elections and should not waste time in giving speeches only. And just work, never hold rallies unnecessarily and do n't jam traffic, do n't randomly block roads for any VIP, because whether there is election or not, these things affect the common man, these things waste time There are traffic jams, election promises must be fulfilled, they should not remain just promises and our elected leaders should not disappear for 4 years after asking for votes once. These things are important, if all political parties can guarantee this. If yes, then we should welcome One Nation One Election. What do you think? Does India need One Nation One Election? If yes, then what things do we need to be careful about? Do tell us in the comments because India is my democracy. Hey India, this is your democracy where your thoughts, your opinions matter and it makes a difference to me to send you these important reminders.