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Sanvidhaan Hatya Divas was declared on 12th July 2024 and Sanvidhaan Hatya Divas was declared on 25th June. No kidding, almost lakhs of people He was put in jail without any specific crime, there he was brutally imprisoned. From the leaders of the End Mind Judgment Party to the King Maharaja of the Royal Family, they were also behind the reserve and the Commissioners were also facing all these in the country. In fact, a dictatorial regime had paid for it. Today, what has the current government done to bulldoze justice? Do you know that it was actually originated at the time of technological inequality, the same voice was raised for the minority. But There was also an allegation of mass persecution of Muslims. Can you believe that Congress today is known for minority, but during Emergency, this Congress supported minority the most. But wait a minute, why was Emergency imposed? Well, some intellectuals say that Emergency. It was a nationalist move, in fact PM Indira Gandhi herself had called it important for the country and even the RSS supported it. The same RSS which is supporting BJP today, does it mean that BJP's Constitution assassination day is just a political tool, a propaganda, because currently you are seeing that Modi ji is being accused of becoming a dictator. Why is Modi a dictator? When it comes to Dictator Dictatorship, isn't this a new way of white washing this image to distract people's attention that it was Congressmen who killed the real Constitution, Modi ji? Come on, the reality behind all this. What is it? We know it in detail. Another big question arises here. People often call Indira Gandhi the Murder of Indian Constitution. But do you know what? Former Indian PM and founding figure of BJP Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji called him Durga. Used to address him by saying, Indira Gandhi was one of the most decorated PM India ever had. From India's first nuclear test to Smiling Buddha to strategic states in the North East like Sikkim. There are many achievements of Indira Gandhi till making her an integral part of India, which India has been celebrating till date. Even the foundation of RAW was also done under Indira and who can forget the liberation of Bangladesh when Indira ji literally freed Pakistan. Had broken it into two pieces but then what happened that such a celebrated leader got the tag of The Killer of Indian Constitution. In the end, well let's find this all out.
INDRA Say’s: Brothers and sisters, there is no reason to be worried that
the President has announced an emergency,
NEW’s Say’s: There will be such a dark day in the eyes of Hindustan and
his name and name will not be the permanent word,
So the story has started in 1972 when
India General elections were about to be held but Indira Gandhi felt at that
time that time was in her favor and hence, due to overconfidence, she decided
to hold the general elections of 1972 a year earlier in 1971. With this
decision, the opposition party Jan Sangh was also very unhappy. He was
interested and he sent the most popular face Raj Narayan to Rae Bareli seat to
organize a contest against Indira. At that time, while the opposition raised
slogans of removing Indira, Indira ji responded very tactfully. Fully converted these slogans in her
favor. Indira Gandhi at that time replaced them with the slogans of 'Garibi
Hatao' through which she appealed to the people that now it is up to them to
decide whether to remove Indira or poverty in this election. Again got 183000
votes and Rajnarayan got 7149 votes, after which Rajnarayan accused Indira of
ballot paper tampering and corrupt practices and appealed in Allahabad High
Court. This matter was again investigated and the court gave its final verdict
on 12th June 1975. While giving the verdict, he said that Indira Gandhi is
really guilty because she used the campaign stage loudspeakers which belong to
the government and in elections, a party cannot use them for its personal benefit
and she also used the gazetted officers like IAS and IPS. Used them like
election agents of their party, now what happened in this case that before the
final verdict i.e. decision of this case came? It took 4 years and in these
four years, the government of PM Indira Gandhi was ruling the country and that
is why the Supreme Court put a stay on the removal of Indira Gandhi and said
that she can remain the PM for this one year. But do not take part in any
Parliament proceedings and voting. It took 4 years and in these four years, the
government of PM Indira Gandhi was ruling the country and that is why the
Supreme Court put a stay on the removal of Indira Gandhi and said that she can
remain the PM for this one year. But do not take part in any Parliament proceedings
and voting. You will find that she was left as PM in name only. Now on one hand
all this was going on in Delhi. On the other hand in the same Delhi, a big
stacher socialist leader Jaiprakash Narayan spoke to lakhs of people regarding
rising inflation, corruption, unemployment and poor law and order. It was said
in the Ramlila Maidan of Delhi that now India needs a total revolution. Now
these are the words of a socialist leader. That is why they were important
because the word 'revolution' was linked to the revolutions of Russia and China
and this is where the whole game changed. This one movement pushed India into a
dictatorship regime for the next 2 years, meaning the situation at that time
was such that Only because of the Supreme Court's verdict, PM Indira Gandhi
could not take any action to save her power, but because of Jaiprakash
Narayan's movement. It
seemed as if Indira ji was given a golden opportunity to save her power and
without any delay, on the night of 25th June 1975, she declared a nation wide
emergency in the name of Internal Disturbances on All India Radio and from here
the most important part of Indian Democracy started.
INDRA Say’s:
Brothers and
sisters, the President has declared emergency, there is no reason for you to
panic because of this. Everyone
will be aware of the deep and widespread conspiracy which is being hatched
since the time I started taking some progressive measures for the benefit of
the common people of India that opposition leaders were taken away from their
homes overnight.
After Declaring Emergency:
After declaring emergency Vijay Rajesh Scindia
Jai Leaders like Prakash Narayan Mulayam Singh Yadav Raj Narayan Murar ji Desai
Charan Singh George Fernandes Atal Bihari Vaj ji Lal Krishna Advani Arun
Jaitley. They were put in jail overnight and the families of the leaders who
were hiding somewhere due to fear of the police were also being harassed. Like
George Fernand's brother Lawrence Fernand tells that the police had picked him
up from his house and Said to tell the address of George, otherwise the police
will put him under the moving train. Even in the jails, these leaders and
prisoners were being given inhuman treatment which was a blot on the name of
any democratic civilized society. Book of Nehru National Memorial Library. It
has been told in page number 291 of Torture of Political Prisoners in India
that at that time almost all the jails of the country were filled with
prisoners, people in the jail were being given electric shocks, their clothes
were removed and they were made to sleep on ice slabs and many people were
tortured to death. Bodies were burnt with cigarettes and candles, some
prisoners were hung upside down for days and some were even forced to drink
their own urine. This type of cruel in human treatment was done to people who
were not convicts, were opposition leaders or were just journalists.
Forceful Sterilization:
That is forceful sterilization Forceful Mass Sterilization What actually happened was that a sterilization drive was already started in India since 1952 which was a part of the National Family Planning Scheme. In fact India also happens to be the first ever country in the world which did nation wide family planning. The scheme was launched. We all know that the obvious reason behind sterilization was population control because in 1970, India The population was growing rapidly and India did not have enough resources to feed such a large population so basically sterilization was a good thought. Out decision but its implementation was equally a disaster. In a country like India where superstitions are so strong, many people considered sterilization against their dignity and that is why its results were not so fruitful but due to emergency, the government got a free hand. Which was misused well for example, during that time the government set up many sterilization camps nationwide. Where teachers and other government workers were given literal targets that by whatever means they had to get so many people sterilized in a day, so in order to achieve the targets, they used to forcibly pick up people and get them sterilized. Whether he is married or not, now take an example of Barshi district of Maharashtra, where in January 1976, Barshi Municipal Council was given a target of getting 1000 sterilization done in 10 days, but in the first two days, hardly anyone volunteered. till day To meet the target, two trucks started roaming in the entire Barshi and people were being literally caught on the roads and they were being sterilized, just like today a municipal vehicle roams around to catch stray dogs and get them sterilized in the same manner. At that time also the situation was similar, whatever they got at the time of emergency Married unmarried old young men, they used to forcefully drag everyone away and sterilize them, that too under very unhygienic conditions, due to which many people got infected and some even died, but this is also nothing. 1977 In a book called The Judgment Inside Story of Emergency in India, I have mentioned an incident from Nar Kadi in Sultanpur, UP, where no arrest was made. The gathered crowd attacked the police, after which the police opened fire on them and 13 people died instantly, so in this entire drive, a total of 60 lakh i.e. 6 million people have been sterilized, including people. From Takman Gate of Delhi, where the biggest mosque of this emergency is compared to Jallianwala Bagh Masekar. Well Takman Gate was a Muslim majority part of Delhi and sterilization is considered haram in Islam, so because of forced sterilization there. Of Muslims became very angry with the government But the final nail in the coffin was done by the bulldozers. Yes, the same bulldozer justice which is so criticized by the opposition, especially the Congress, because of this, a bulldozer is being run on a family. This bulldozer justice was first actually implemented by Congress Turkey. Do not demolish illegal construction at the gate. Bulldozers were used for this under the leadership of Sanjay Gandhi who was spear headed by Jagmohan Malhotra and yes you guessed it right, the same Jagmohan Malhotra who later became the Governor of Jammu and Kashmir, then people obviously protested against these bulldozers. Started but police started lathi charge and open fire against it in which 6 to 20 people died and then according to several books and accounts, crowd of protestors at the time of this protest. She went and hid in the mosque but the police broke the door of the mosque and entered inside and started lathi charging the protestors there also. Yes, this thing has been mentioned in many books and yes again, during these protests, Jagmohan ji A very controversial statement was also passed against Muslims when they were asked why they were doing all this, their answer was that we are Pakistan.
Jagmohan Replied:
Do you think
that we are crazy to break Pakistan and allow another Pakistan to be formed.
Then later when the Shah Commission report came, there was a clear mention in it that The government had demolished many people's houses illegally with bulldozers, but the most surprising thing was that all this was happening. It was in Delhi, where many media houses and newspapers had offices like areas. During the Censorship on Media Emergency, a rule was passed that whatever news had to be covered would be published in the newspaper only after getting verified through the government. And when all these atrocities were happening, at that time Bobby movie was running on Doordarshan You Know Just to Destroy the People from the Horrors of Emergency and one such strange incident What happened with the legendary singer Kishore Kumar was to distract the people at the time of emergency. Sanjay Gandhi asked him to sing a song for the Congress but he directly refused, after which the government unofficially banned his songs. Now during the emergency, this is how Even the kings and VIPs of that time were not spared from the treatment, like the famous South actress Neh Lata of 1970. Reddy who had opposed the Emergency and then got her kept in the confinement cell of Bangalore Central Jail under the Maintenance of Internal Security Act MISA in May 1976 by the police, knowing that she was an asthmatic patient and had even been in asthmatic coma twice in the jail. She had come but still she was tortured a lot inside the jail and at last when she came out on parole in 19 January 1977, she died in just five days and apart from this, it was during the emergency because law and order.
The scandal was blown, people were not only tortured but even official
government theft took place in the country. Regarding Maharani of Jaipur
Gayatri Devi who was the classmate of Indira Gandhiji, it is said that Indira
was attracted by the beauty of Gayatri Devi and her royalty. Gandhi ji was a
little jealous, it was because of this hate raid that when Gayatri ji was the
opposition MP, Indira Gandhi had even called a bitch and a glass doll to insult
her in the Parliament. As
soon as the Emergency was imposed, Indira had abolished the Privy Purse which
was given as pension to the kings since independence, which was a right
decision in the eyes of Absolute India, but at the same time, Indira ji had
given Gayatri Devi this Act which is Conservation. He was arrested under the
Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act and admitted to Tihar Jail,
after which he employed a team of ASI, local police and army to find the
Queen's treasure in Jaigarh Fort for 5 months. and then also like this When Clemm was in jail, the
government got this treasure, after which Sanjay Gandhi himself personally came
to Jaipur. Even to take the treasure from here, the Delhi-Jaipur highway was
closed for a day and 50 TO 60 army trucks were sent towards Delhi. The Queen's
son says that 800 kilos of gold was stolen from his house and taken away, but
till date no government official has debated or discussed the truth behind this
How did PM
Indira Gandhi control such a big country without any military muscle nor
getting any military coup done?
Well, there
is a simple answer to this, constitution tuition.
The First Manipulation:
The First Manipulation
First of all, on 10th August 1975, PM Indira passed the 39th Constitution
Amendment Act. This Act said that from now on there will be no jurisdiction of
the judiciary on the issues related to the President, Vice President, Prime
Minister and Speaker. It will have no meaning, so basically the Supreme Court
will be irrelevant here. Now with this, he got back the seat he had lost due to
the decision of Allahabad Court, because now anyway the courts have become
irrelevant and after this amendment, the PM But Judiciary cannot run any case.
The Second Manipulation:
The second manipulation happened in January 1977 when they passed another 42 Constitution Amendment Act which is also called the mini constitution of the country because in it they removed and added 40 articles in total.
There are four major
changes in it due to which complete control came in the hands of PM Office.
First Changes:
Firstly, at the time of emergency, two powers
were allotted in the hands of the Centre, one to override the state loss i.e.
the power to cancel.
Second Changes:
armed in any state. The power to deploy forces means that the PM can deploy the
military in any other state whenever he wants. Deployed with this clause of
limited judicial review, they passed the law that whatever act the Central
Government places in Schedule Nine, the Judiciary cannot take any action on it,
that is, simply put, according to this clause, the Central Government can pass
whatever Act it wants, the Judiciary cannot do anything about it. don't say And
that's why he had openly got the sterilization drive done.
Third Changes:
government's power to extend the term of Parliament and State Assemblies in emergency.
Fourth Changes:
During the
emergency, the power to override all the fundamental rights had come, due to
which the three most important fundamental rights of Indians were immediately
banned. You know the basic fundamental rights of a human being, right to life,
right to personal liberty, all this. They were banned due to which they were
able to openly arrest anyone and put them in jail. After this, Right to
Constitutional Remedies was also banned due to which in the entire two years of
Emergency, not a single person filed a case against the government. Was not
able to do so because normally if we have to file a case, we go to the Supreme
Court through the lower court, but this fundamental right of constitutional
remedy gives us permission to go to the Supreme Court directly on violation,
but this right has been rejected. Was given and the last right to freedom was
also banned, due to which everything from press media, political organization,
protests was banned.
Now apart from this, many things were also
changed and added like the words socialist, secular and integrity. Fundamental Duties added in the
Constitution, this word was also added - All India Judicial Services etc. But
these four major changes literally took complete control. It was handed over to
PM Indira Gandhi. Now if we look at it, it was 1977 and two years had passed
since emergency was imposed. People had even thought that India should also
join that authoritarian regime. Which was first born as a democracy, then after the
democratic election of a leader, it converted into a dictatorship, but on 18th
January 1977, PM Indira Gandhi shocked the public and announced the elections
on his own. For this, he also gave the reason that in democracy, governments
are run by the mandate of the people, but the people were not happy with this
emergency and that is why they are revising it. What was the general elections
held in 1977, Congress lost and Janata Party won the elections.
Desai New Prime Minister:
Formed its
government and the first thing they did was to bring about changes 42 In the Amendment Act, PM Indira had
done things like suspension of fundamental rights during emergency, limiting
the powers of the judiciary, she revised all these by bringing the 44th
Constitution Amendment Act and wrote that from now on, emergency can be imposed
only after the signature of the President.
so now he comes The biggest question here is whether PM Indira
Gandhi's decision to impose emergency was really right, was it in national
interest or was it in personal interest?
So look, there are two sides to this,
One in which people accepted this decision as
right. Infact Organizations like RSS had also supported the Emergency, now many
According to experts, Indira Gandhi had imposed emergency because international
elements wanted to topple the Indian government, just like today George Soros
is trying to topple India by pumping thousands of crores into India. Even
according to many reports, JP Narayan's protest. It was CIA funded that wanted
to end India's democracy but how much truth is there in it is not yet fully
proven and as far as sterilization is concerned about these human drives then
Asians According to
studies, the West was putting a lot of pressure on India at that time to drive
sterilization to control India's population and that is why in such
circumstances where Indians do not want sterilization done but the government
wants sterilization done, emergency was imposed. This was also a major factor.
Of course
the most common speculating probably declared a nation wide emergency to retain
its power. This is also a perspective in which many thinkers Believe it.
So what do you think, did Indira Gandhi have a
nationalist justified reason behind declaring emergency or was there only a
selfish motive behind it. Do tell in the comments what you think. Below and because the BJP government
has officially dedicated a day as Constitution assassination day, let's discuss
a little below.